Always Twisted

Weeknotes S01E01

I'm not sure if I'll remember to do this regularly, but I'm hoping that the bare bones of a new setup in Obsidian will have me making notes during the week to collate on a Friday.


This week I wrote 3 new articles (not including this week note):

Creating Design System-Friendly Snowflakes with Utility Classes

What Else Can We Do With Design Tokens?

A Design Tokens Workflow (part 1) - Getting Started With Style Dictionary

I've done a few tweaks to the website, I've removed the 'yellow' colour theme option as it only really worked in dark mode and I didn't want to do something for one theme. Six colour themes is more than enough 😭.

Looking For Work

Oh yes, I'm still looking for work. Todays task after publishing this is to get 'into the weeds' of what services I can provide.

Although I am more than happy to join existing teams in creating or maintaining their design system and helping agencies in turning around designs into front-end code I'm looking at shorter, focused services I can provide.

If you think you've got a project in mind, let's chat.


I don't know if it's (more often than not) because of the ability to 'binge watch' series or if there's actually been a 'drought' of good content we can watch at the end of the day.

Although we're nearing the finale of 'Spooky Season' my partner isn't a fan of the horror genre my chances to watch this years tranche of halloween horror is pretty slim.


We watched Sweetpea, we both enjoyed it. Not to give any spoilers, we're looking forward to series two already.

FL. vs Boone

I don't remember how I came to it - but I've been watching several Live Courts from the US via Emily D. Bakers YouTube Channel. It started about a third of the way through Depp v. Heard and I've just stayed with the live streams either in the background or for a short period before bed.

Woman Of The Hour

Based on the true story of The Dating Game Killer and a directorial debut from Anna Kendrick who plays the lead - I really enjoyed the look of this when it was 'on the set' of the game show. The treatment to those scenes felt more real to me than Late Night With The Devil which I believe was let down by the black and white scenes looking too 'new'. Going into this I didn't know it was based on a 'true crime' story. I enjoyed it.


I haven't read much this week, the current book on the Kindle is The September House but I don't think I've managed to read a word.



I've a vague memory of watching Halloween on an old black and white TB, late at night with the contrast down so the images on the screen were dark grey on black. I think this was the start of me becoming a fan of the horror genre.

I don't listen to many podcasts, there's a couple of Design Systems-related ones and the odd true crime series but I do look out for an interesting episode of Horror Queers.

This weeks was a two hour dive into Black Christmas from 1974. Coming out before Halloween, there's still bits that make me jump. This film (and it's 2019 remake (but not the 2006 remake)) are always on my Christmas/Horror watch list.


Did you know that The Smashing Pumpkins released - Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness - a whole day earlier in the UK compared to the rest of the world‽ Did you know it turned 29 years old?

This album came out in my first year of A-Levels - a perfect sound track to the next two years. I also managed to snag a ticket to see them in the tin shed that is/was(?) Wembley Arena on the tour.

I had a look on Spotyify at the number of plays per track and it seems not many folks listened to the second of this double album.

Wondering how to organize and structure your components for scalability?

I can design a folder and component structure that scales effortlessly.

get in touch!