Week Notes – S01E02

Somethings are better late than never.

It's taken me a week to write this set of week notes because, sadly, our 18 month old Boston Terrier, Pickles was involved in a road traffic accident and was killed in an instant.

Things I did.

On Saturday we all went to see Ethan's first concert with the Salisbury Amateur Young Music Group where they performed with the 'Starter Strings' group. Immensely proud. The rest of the weekend was lazy with a nice BBQ on the Saturday evening.

I spent most of the start of this week continuing on my client project getting things in place for us to move towards the first beta release of the component library for the end of the month.

Things I read.

I managed to get through a lot more articles on Design Systems for the newsletter. I also dipped in and out of reading Mike Monteiro's book Ruined by Design, which I am enjoying.

Things I watched.

On Saturday afternoon me and Ethan went to see Spider-Man: Far From Home at the local cinema, which we both enjoyed.

Sunday I took myself off to see Midsommar, which I thought was absolutely fantastic and i cannot wait to catch a "Director's Cut" when it's released.

Thursday, after the accident, I was packed off to London so that I didn't miss Kiss playing at the o2 on their End of The Road tour.

Things I listened to.

Kiss, a lot of Kiss.