Always Twisted

This page is old.

Although the content of this page may be useful. The page was part of a migratian and may look different and unmaintained. I am working my way through, tidying them up.


Time for a change...

On This Page:

I've sold my iMac. Finally. I knew I should have attempted to sell it before the new range of iMacs were released. But no, I waited. I'm really happy it's gone though. It's gone to a great company down in Brighton. A company that I would love to work for in fact. So at least part of me is now by the seaside.

So what have I done with my spoils? I managed to get a healthy £1000 for my iMac which included a magic trackpad and remote control. So with that I have purchased, and am using now, a 2011 13' MacBook Pro. It's the low end model available for £999 from Apple. Mine's a refurbished model so I got it for £849 instead. So far I've not notice any difference in what I'd expect from a 'brand new' MacBook. Except for the boring plain white packaging.

It's quite a jump. It really is. For 18 months or so I've had the luxury of 27' of Apple LED display in the iMac and now I've got a 'tiny' 13 inches. But it's fine. That's where the multi finger gestures on the track pad come in really handy. That's the other thing I'm trying to get used to after using a fat old magic mouse for a year and half I've got to get used the the fact it's my fingers and not my hand that has got to move the cursor around the screen now. But, I'm getting used to it.

So what now? Well. Now that I can literally sit anywhere and work I'm hoping this will up my productivity in the evenings when I mainly freelance. Just by reading this you can see I'm 'blogging' again.

What's in the pipeline? I've got several client projects 'on the go' so I'm hoping to finish these ASAP and then get my 'freelancer for hire' site un and running.

So plenty to do AND I hope to blog more. Fingers crossed.

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