Always Twisted

This page is old.

Although the content of this page may be useful. The page was part of a migratian and may look different and unmaintained. I am working my way through, tidying them up.


The Design Systems Newsletter

On This Page:

Let's be honest. Styleguides, Pattern Libraries and Design Systems are pretty hot.

For the last 3 years I've been fortunate enough to work on various projects including extending existing pattern libraries, adding to a design system, and creating new pattern libraries and styleguides from (almost) the ground up.

I'm excited by the things I get to create for my clients everyday. I'm excited, seeing what other developers and designers who are also working on design systems, pattern libraries, and styleguides produce, publish and discuss. Every. Day.

Having 'cut my teeth' in curating Sass News before passing on the baton to Jina. After a small haitus, I was itching to start sharing what I'm reading again. I setup up a curated account, installed bookmarklets, a (much neccesarty) twitter account and was good to go.

Three issues in and getting close to 650 subscribers, I wanted to write a quick post.

Unlike Sass News where I decied to make it a weekly newsletter, this will be different. There's no real publishing schedule. It's not going to hit your inboxes at 9am(GMT) on Tuesdays...

The Design Systems Newsletter will be sent once I've collated around 7/8 links to artciles, code, frameworks that I feel's worth sharing. This way I won't feel 'pressured' into looking for things and I'll (hopefully) only fill your inboxes with quality content.

If you've not signed up, you can read the previous emails, and then subscribe to the newsletter.

As I've mentioned I'm really excited when I see people working on similar problems, codebases, and products and sharing their findings, thougths, and code. If you ever come across something that you think should be featured, don't hesitate to let me know.

Are you looking to integrate CSS custom properties effectively within your Design System?

I’ll help you implement custom properties to enhance flexibility and theming.

get in touch!