Always Twisted

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Although the content of this page may be useful. The page was part of a migratian and may look different and unmaintained. I am working my way through, tidying them up.


Stu goes Sass...

On This Page:

If you follow me on the twitters (and you should follow me on the twitters) you'll have know doubt seen that this last week or so I've been getting my head around Sass.


I know I've written for my love for LESS on here many, many, many, many times. I've still got the love for LESS but my current client requires Sass/SCSS so I've been learning that as quick as possible (note: if you know LESS it's not that difficult).

Loads of resources.

So basically this is a blogpost of all the resources I've been reading, re-reading and learning from to get my Sass/SCSS chops down. So here goes, in no order whatsoever.

A really good Sass & Compass slidedeck from Brandon Mathis.

A Sass/SCSS/Compass cheatsheet pdf file to print off and stick on your MBA.

What's coming in Sass 3.2 in regards to the coolness of media queries.

Susy, a responsive grid system for/using Compass.

A front-end starter kit called Pondasee.

Another slidedeck - save time by using Sass/SCSS.

A blogpost on SMACSS and Sass.

Compass, an open source framework for Sass.

A blogpost on calculating EMs with SCSS.

Sass from a designers perspective (blogpost).

A bunch of Sass tutorials on YouTube.

I'm using the it's only 10 bucks!

Sassive Agressive, another slidedeck.

The Sass website.

Bourbon (it's like Compass).

Sass vs. LESS and an intro to Sass/COMPASS from Chris Coyier.

Part 1 of Mastering Sass from nettuts+.

The @thesassway twitter account.

Aura, a responsive Sass and Compass framework from @sungug.

Another framework, The coding designer


To top things off if, in the words of Bill Hicks, you're a reader there's a fantastic book to take you from the start - The Pragmatic Guide To Sass - available in all good retailers I'm sure.

One More Thing.

I'm sure I've missed your post, video, twitter account. If you've got some fantastic Sass/SCSS/Compass resource I've missed out on then please do add a comment to this post. Let's get a big resource going.

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