Always Twisted

This page is old.

Although the content of this page may be useful. The page was part of a migratian and may look different and unmaintained. I am working my way through, tidying them up.


Speaking at From the Front 2014

On This Page:

from the front logo

It's safe to say I am _really_ excited about this.

In fact, I'm fantastically excited to announce that I'm speaking at this years From The Front in Bologna, Italy.

The organisers are pulling out all the stops and there's some amazing speakers already announced with more to be announced in the lead up to the event. They're keeping a tight lip, and I'm really excited to see who else I'll get to 'strut the stage' with.

My mind is buzzing with Indiana Jones references, I might even 'dress up'. I'm really looking forward to going to Italy not only for the conference but obviously for all that food and drink. The idea of a calzone made to order is making me salivate.

But I digress...

I'll be shouting about the ups and downs of the menagerie of HTML and CSS frameworks and boilerplates available and why you should really think about what you're using and making your code delicious, like lasagne.

Some conference information

From The Front, is a two day, one track conference in Bologna, Italy. Running on the 18th and 19th of September 2014. Tickets and more information are available here:

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