Always Twisted

This page is old.

Although the content of this page may be useful. The page was part of a migratian and may look different and unmaintained. I am working my way through, tidying them up.


Slightly Bizarre goings-on #1

On This Page:

If you've followed me on twitter over the last couple of days, you may have seen some mad panic as I managed to b0rk this sites Perch CMS installation. I managed to roll back to v1 of the CMS last night and have been itching to write a post since.

Having recently read Chris Coyiers post and just moments ago see that Paul Adam Davis has started a 'weekly update' kind of post too. I thought it was a great idea. Hopefully this'll help you and me. I'll be adding great things I find (which hopefully'll help you) and just bumbing on about how my week has been (which may aid my faultering memory).

Slightly Bizarre ?

When I was in 'a rock band' our first gig got a review in a local weekly magazine. The words 'Always twisted, slightly bizarre' were used when referring to my guitar riffs. Those four words have stuck with me since then (2002). I've finally found a home for 'slightly bizarre'

What's been going on.

  1. I'm still writing my 8/9/10+ part series on resposnive web design for WebTutsPlus. I'm hoping to have the first two articles out the door in the next week or two.
  2. I'm currently working on the smallest, biggest client site ever.
  3. I've splurged some cash on New Adventures, Web Developers Conference and Handheld conference tickets.
  4. I've been playing with a little accordian > tabs bit of code for a clients site which I want to improve.
  5. This blog has loads of drafts that need completing, when I have the time.
  6. I'm about 40% at my 'go freelance' savings.

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