Always Twisted

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Sass: An introduction. A workshop in Cardiff

On This Page:

I love what Craig and Amie have managed to achieve in such a short space of time. Spending an afternoon at Founders Hub I could see the passion and effort litterally beaming from every room.

It’s great that they’ve created something that in part gives something back to the community by just being there as an option for your office.

I’m a great believer in giving something back. I find this industry fantastic because of how happily everyone is in sharing what they learn more often than not for free.

Again, I digress. A few days after Handheld Conference, where the day before I attended a workshop at the Founders Hub Craig tweeted asking if there’s any interest in more workshops held at the venue. I quickly threw my cards on the table offering a half-day workshop to whoever wishes to attend (hopefully people interested in the subject).

So here we have it.

On January 8th at just gone noon I’ll be presenting a workshop on Sass.

If you're interested in attending I suggest you pop on over to this page at the Founders Hub website.

update: all places for this have now been snapped up, which for me is kinda amazing. Looking forward to seeing you there.

So what's being discussed in this workshop?

A half-day workshop guiding you through the productivity-improving aspects of using the CSS pre-processor, Sass.

What will you learn?

First we’ll look at CSS pre-processors, why and where you would use them, what they do and how they work. After this we’ll move onto how to use the power of Sass to make your CSS authoring more efficient and hopefully more fun.

Things that will be covered

About me

Stu Robson is a front-end developer from the deepest parts of Wiltshire, having been a night-owl freelancer for two years he took the jump into working full-time in January 2013. If he’s not coding he’s tweeting. If he’s not tweeting he’s usually spending time with his partner, Sarah and son, Ethan.

Additional information

This is more of a show and tell rather than a practical workshops. But please do bring your favourite laptop with you.

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