Always Twisted

This page is old.

Although the content of this page may be useful. The page was part of a migratian and may look different and unmaintained. I am working my way through, tidying them up.


Patterns Day 2019 - Una Kravets

On This Page:

The Problem With Legos & System at Scale

In Una’s talk they discussed how Design Systems can fail and what we can do to stop that.

Design is ever-changing.

Just as design changes, design systems technology changes. Which is great, but can also be a challenge to how your Design System scales.

In the end the design team found three sub-systems for theming that help build systematic expression of your product





CSS is Not the Enemy.

Material Theme Builder.

When building your own themes using Material keep in mind accessibility, colour contrast is on you to get right.

If we stifle the needs of users, the design system will not be used.

Material, like any component library is a work in progress.

Design Systems are way to complex to keep comparing them to Lego.

Are your tokens ready to support theming, like dark mode or white-label branding?

I’ll make your tokens theme-ready for seamless brand and mode switching.

get in touch!