Always Twisted

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Although the content of this page may be useful. The page was part of a migratian and may look different and unmaintained. I am working my way through, tidying them up.


My Favourite 5 Books

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Like @mikestreety, I love the printed form factor of books. I've recently gone a little mental and purchased a whole slew of books (12 at the last count). Here's my current top 5.

  1. Head First Mobile Web [O'Rielly] {Mobile, CSS, HTML, JavaScript} - A great book to help you understand how we can design (well dev) for mobile devie and what pitfalls you will encounter. It's a great little (well  huge) book you can dip into or read from cover to cover.
  2. SMACSS [@snooka] {CSS} - This books gives insight to a system on how you can write your CSS to make a more manageable easy to use for your sites. I just still need to implement it. I cheated here as it's an eBook.
  3. Mobile First [A Book Apart] {Mobile} - A Book Apart make great little books. This from @lukew is a must read for the modern web designer.
  4. CSS: The Missing Manual [O'Rielly] {CSS} - For someone that took a haitus just as CSS was being developed in the browser wars of the 1990s when I came back to web design I needed to get some skills. This book was perfect for that. So easily readable and informative.
  5. Build Mobile websites and apps for smart devices [sitepoint] {HTML, CSS, Design} - notice a theme? This has been a real help in creating the markup, layout and other code for a current project.

As Iv'e got to number 5, loads of other books in my collection have come to mind. Both books from Zoe, Ethan's book to name a few.

What's your top 5? Create a blog post and add it to the comments of Mike's original post

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