Always Twisted

This page is old.

Although the content of this page may be useful. The page was part of a migratian and may look different and unmaintained. I am working my way through, tidying them up.


Listen, everyday...

On This Page:

Web design, currently, is not my fulltime gig. I'm a project technician for a conference set design, construction and installation company. I live about 12 miles from work. Which gives me plenty of time during the day to listen to some podcasts.

There's fantastically been a glut of new podcasts as well as some that are little older because they're getting better and better. So I'm making a little list. Below are some new podcasts that I listen to regularly.

Let's Make Mistakes

As of writing this blog, this podcast from Mike Monteiro and Katie Gillum of Mule Design is in it's 40th episode. Amongst the fantastic banter between Katie and Mike they discuss a variety of design topics. A stalwart go to if I want to listen to something.

The Industry Podcast

Only coming into episode 3 of a nice little podcast discussing web design and what's been 'going on' with, so far, a special guest each week.  One to definitely add to your itunes podcast list.

Shoptalk Show

From Chris Coyier and Dave Rupert. A weekly show that's just coming into double figures. A great chat with other indusry folks answering listener questions. Usually discussiing one 'topic' a week depending on the guest.

The East Wing

Another new weekly podcast, this time bought to you by Tim Smith. A weekly 'interview' style show discussing the guests career, thoughts on the industry and things that have happened that week.

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