Always Twisted

This page is old.

Although the content of this page may be useful. The page was part of a migratian and may look different and unmaintained. I am working my way through, tidying them up.



On This Page:

So, this morning I was looking through my twitter feed (I'm on twitter quite a bit) and I saw tweets about how well a Sass meetup in San Francisco went (and that most attendees were signed up to SassNews).

I've always wanted to run some form of local meetup. In Salisbury there's not really much of 'a scene' as far as I know. Being a huge fan of Sass what I really wanted was a Sass meetup to go to.

So, taking the bull by the horns and after a flurry of DMs with friends that ran conferences and meetups I've decided to throw my hat in the ring.

LDN_Sass, London?

As Sass is, effectively, quite a nuanced subject in web design still I've decided to hold the meetup(s) that I'm hoping to run in London. I have several developer friends in London and it's not that too far a stretch on the train.

Moving Forward

Obviously, I've not thought this through that greatly. I mean, the first date I picked was the day I would be flying out to Italy to speak at From The Front (tickets still available).

A date

Wednesday the 24th of September is the date. I've decided on a Wednesday purely selfishly as this is the easiest day of the week for me to get to London and back.

A helping hand

For now I'm making the list of everything else I need. A venue, speakers, A/V equipment, food, drinks, sponsors, a nicer logo, stickers, a website(?) and probably a hundred other things that I've forgotten.

So, if you can help with any of the above then just get in touch. Leave a comment below, email me or ping me on twitter.

I'm looking forward to it, as much as organising it as to spend an evening with fellow developers who use Sass.

For updates, for the moment it's probably best to follow @LDN_Sass

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