Always Twisted

This page is old.

Although the content of this page may be useful. The page was part of a migratian and may look different and unmaintained. I am working my way through, tidying them up.


Fuse 2 Fonts and get to SXSWi

On This Page:

So, I didn't win the .net magazine competition for a pair of tickets to SXSWi this year.

Thanks to Candi I've just entered a competition at Font Fuse for the chance to get some kick-ass VIP tickets to SXSWi. I probably won't win, I never win. Well, I haven't won anything since 1988 when I got a bunch of Panini stickers and the 1988 American Football sticker album, but I digress.

simple elegance image

Sure picking two fonts can be like taking candy from a baby or it can be the most difficult thing you have to suss out. I generally stick to one font pair in almost all the work I do when I start and I'm not entirely sure if the fonts I've chosen for this piece of the internet I call mine are entirely 'right'.

I was thinking that really what both fonts need to do is

  1. complement each other
  2. be 'easy' on the eye
  3. not be imposing on the page
  4. be simple
  5. be elegant

Having a quick look at the vast amount of fonts available i picked my two favourites for the task. I chose some nice blues for the background and the heading and body text.

I wasn't too satisfied with the standard text placed in the body so I found a nice little quote from Robert Louis Stevenson

The web, then, or the pattern, a web at once sensuous and logical, an elegant and pregnant texture: that is style, that is the foundation of the art of literature.

So if you have a spare 5 minutes why not take a look at the competion, have a go yourself, look at other font pairings for some great typographic inspiration or just vote for my pairing.

Wondering how to output tokens into different formats for different platforms?

I can configure tools to output tokens into the formats your teams need.

get in touch!