Although the content of this page may be useful. The page was part of a migratian and may look different and unmaintained. I am working my way through, tidying them up.
Design Systems London 2019 - Miranda Garrido
On This Page:
They’ve worked with a lot of start-ups, accelerators and small companies.
Getting invested early means they can help in many different ways.
Design Systems at startups - you can over commit or they can be ignored.
Taking too much time in creating one rather than achieving other business goals.
They were asked to stop, months past and buttons, icons, colours started to stray into various sizes, looks, and hues.
The whole is great than the sum of its parts - Aristotle
How do you go about learning what a Design System is.
You could search the internet, find and article that will teach you … in 15 minutes.
You could find a similar, fully fledged Design System and apply it all for their needs. With little knowledge of what goes into it.
The most import thing consistency, connection, and speed in a startup.
Start with the brand - hack the consistency.
Make the brand a crucial part of your design system , because it can be a game changer.
Leverage existing open source toolkits - hack for speed.
Leverage vs. Appropriation.
Don’t try to reinvent the wheel.
It beings with you - hack for connection.
Look around, are you talking to the people next to you about it
Human connection is a superpower - it is the glue of your start up.