Design Systems London 2019 - Jon Reidy
On This Page:
- HSBC is different to the average start up, it’s 150 years old.
- No one was thinking about Design Tokens and React Components then.
- HSBC is bg, 250,000 staff in nearly 80 countries
- The worlds biggest international bank
- Lots of everything which leads to lots of fragmentation.
- HSBC has had a design system in one way or another for the lsat 9 years
- 2017 they had a rebrand that allowed a big sweeping change in creating a global digital design system.
- The HSBC Global Digital Design System is made of:
- Design Language
- Community
- Design Thinking
- Review and Alignment
- Measurement and Performance
- Tools
- The HSBC Global Digital Design System is part of their “digital DNA”.
- You need a strong community
- builds trust
- creates communication channels
- Creative Hierarchy was found to be important.
- roles and responsibilities
- helps create harmony
- easier communcations
- faster decisions made
- The go from a top down bottom up approach with broad decisions coming from the top and evolution of things coming from the bottom
- Tooling is key!
- Decentralised
- The biggest challenge they found was the ego. In large companies it’s hard to ‘make your own mark’.
- They’re currently looking at AI and Automation for the future of their Design System.
- Labour intensive tasks
- administration
- reports-
- Project: Robot Chicken
- Design REviews
- Machine Learning
- Self Service Base
- Takes around 8 seconds to do a AI powered design review
- It’s currently at MVP stage, hope to be ‘ready’ in about a year.
- He doesn’t think it will ever take away the creative requirement of a person - but AI and automation will allow for an explosion of ideas.