Although the content of this page may be useful. The page was part of a migratian and may look different and unmaintained. I am working my way through, tidying them up.
Design Systems London 2019 - James and James
On This Page:
Design Systems are literally everywhere, and everyone seems to have one.
The benefits of Design Systems sounds great, but where do you start?
A design system is a continuous approach not an end solution
There are two big questions to ask
Do you need a Design System?
Don’t implement one because it is a big shiny buzzword
Work out what are the problems you re trying to solve by introducing one
Are you ready for one?
How much resource is available,
What buy-in do you have
The business should know the benefits
The business should know the constraints
Having the Skills
great developers and designers
have documentation
Poor ownership can lead to
Disagreements over direction
incorrect additions
inconstant processes
A centralised ownership created a bottleneck
Treat it as an open source project so everyone can help with it. This leads to better components through shared knowledge and more usage because of the shared ownership
But you still need a small core ownership, with a design system council