Always Twisted

This page is old.

Although the content of this page may be useful. The page was part of a migratian and may look different and unmaintained. I am working my way through, tidying them up.


An issue for "one web"

On This Page:

EDIT: This was originally titled 'an issue for responsive web design'. Thanks to @faxtion for pointing out that it was a crappy title.

Ok. This blog post may be brief. It'll no doubt be quite rambling. Let's face it, I'm from the West Country.

I'm currently working on a super exciting front-end project with a client who is all for the exciting new stuff of responsive web design and mobile first. It's brilliant, I'm super excited about what I'm working on and think it'll be aces.

You see I'm rambling.

An Elephant?

an elephant in the room

The possible problem arose today. We were discussing file uploads and all the fun that entails when I found out about a little problem with iOS.

Mobile Safari (as of writing) does not support file upload. So, that's quite a big problem there. You can build a fantastic website/app/juggernaut/sweet potato but you won't be able to upload anything to it from an iOS device. I think that's kind of a big deal.

I did a little searching on the tubes and found a little solution - iPhone Photo Picker. Admitedly as of writing this quick brain fart. I haven't looked into it with any real depth.

Do your components meet accessibility standards and work seamlessly across devices?

I’ll audit and improve your components for accessibility and responsiveness.

get in touch!