Always Twisted

This page is old.

Although the content of this page may be useful. The page was part of a migratian and may look different and unmaintained. I am working my way through, tidying them up.


A Spaces Cowboy

On This Page:

As I've mentioned, I've got rid of my 27' iMac and have shrunk my 'screen real estate' down to a 13' MacBook Pro. I've had it a little over a week now. I've upgraded bits of it already (I'm gonna post about that) But it wasn't until @sazzy tweeted this morning that she's just 'discovered Spaces on OS X'.

Until that tweet, for some reason, I'd completely forgotten about Spaces. I've spent that last week having my twitter client, browser, photoshop, coda and anything else I open in the same 'window space'.

It's awesome.

I now have my email and twitter client in one space, coda in another, photoshop another, everything else in 'space number one'.

You should, if you haven't already, really check it out. With keyboard shortcuts it makes switching so frickin' easy.


Struggling with managing CSS specificity and inheritance issues in a growing codebase?

I can audit and refactor your CSS to resolve specificity and inheritance problems.

get in touch!